Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week 2 (Day 2)

- Attend the meeting which held every morning at 8am by team pencawang
- Today, we are going to do earthing at P/E Sungai Gau.
- Before that, we have to shut down P/E Simpang Caruk Puting and P/E Sungai Gau.
- The process of shutting down P/E Simpang Caruk Puting and P/E Sungai Gau will caused blackout to the consumer who live around Simpang Caruk Puting and Sungai Gau.
To make sure the electricity supplied to consumer won't be interrupted, we have to on (closed circuit) normal off point (NOP) at P/E simpang pulai.
- It means that the P/E simpang pulai will temporary supply electricity to consumer who live around Simpang Caruk Puting and Sungai Gau.
- Then, we can start doing earthing at P/E Sungai Gau.

- The copper cables have been stolen. We are here to reconnect the copper cables.


 IPC ( Isolated Piercing Connector)

- Connect cable to cable 


schematic diagram KG AWAH


-In order to prevent damage, each station along the network is protected with circuit breakers or fuses which will turn off power in the event of a short circuit. 

- Auto Recloser is a circuit breaker equipped with a mechanism that can automatically close the breaker after it has been opened due to a fault. ---

- Reclosers are used on overhead distribution systems to detect and interrupt momentary faults. 

-The control system for a recloser allows a selected number of attempts to restore service after adjustable time delays. 

-For example a recloser have 3 "fast" reclose operations with a few seconds delay, then a longer delay and one reclose; if the last attempt is not successful, the recloser will lock out and require human intervention to reset. 

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